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Sunday, September 25, 2022




  • What are the main hazards of excavation?
  • The main hazard is “Cave In” (Sudden movement of separate soil into excavation also falling or sliding of soil by side into excavation called cave-in) it could entrap, bury, injury, or immobilize a person.
  • What are safety measures for excavation?
  • Benching, sloping, shielding, is to safety measure for cave-in, before excavation get NOC from utility areas, overhead & underground areas, the soil must be 2 feet away from the excavation, if excavation is 4 feet deep ladder or rump will provide after every 25 feet distance or interval, daily inspection required before stating work or after rain or windstorm




What action must be taken if you are exposed to a gas leak?

  • Stop the job, shut down the equipment, wear a gas mask, check the wind direction by windsock, and go towards the designated assembly point for head counting
  • Why do we need gas monitoring?
  • To check the oxygen level and H2S level. CO (carbon mono oxide) level & to check LEL (lower explosive limit), in short, we need a gas monitor to make sure that the place is safe for work or not.
  • What does a gas monitor display?
  • It displays LEL, H2S, CO, and O2 Level




  • What are the main hazards?
  •  The sudden release of Gas can cause destroying everything which comes in its path
  • What are safety precautions during storage, handling, or transporting?
  •  1. Store cylinder in shade area away from the source of heat

 2. Secure them in an upright position with a chain or holder

 3. Move cylinder in designed trolley

 4. Put close valve on an empty cylinder




  • Name of some fire fighting equipment?
  •  Fire cylinder, fire hydrant, fire sprinkle, fire truck, Deluge cylinder,
  • List of some fire extinguishers?
  • DCP (dry chemical powder) cylinder, CO2 cylinder, water foam cylinder
  • What must be done after a fire extinguisher or breathing apparatus is used?
  • Return it to the store or go again for re-filling from an authorized person or by an authorized filling station
  • What type of fire extinguisher or cylinder can use in each type of fire?
  • DCP cylinder




      What is grit or sandblasting?

  • Sand or grit blasting is a process to clean the surface of a pipe by blasting sand or grit with high pressure on the surface of the pipe
  • What additional PPE is used during grit blasting?
  • Air supplied Hood, Ear protection by earplug or earmuff
  • What are safety checks before sandblasting?
  • Work permit, JHA or TRA, certification & visual inspection of Hose, Hooper, Grounding of the compressor, automatic shut off valve with dead man switch