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Sunday, September 25, 2022



SCABA / B.A Trolly Set
SCABA / B.A Trolly Set

  • Why do we need BA (breathing apparatus), SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus), and a trolley set?
  • To protect or prevent from life threats like toxic gases or smoky atmosphere, also where O2 will not be enough means there will be a deficiency of O2. SCBA is usually used for individual or short-time jobs like inspection & also used for rescue in toxic or smoky atmospheres SCBA is also used underwater
  • A face seal best suits a person having beard or without beard.
  • Without beard
  • A trolley set can be used for emergency escape
  • No, the Gas mask will be used for emergency escape


  • What is the recommended current rating of power tools used in the oil gas field?
  • 110V is recommended rating
  • What is the precaution should you take before working on electrical equipment?
  • Insulation, Electrical protective devices like fuse or breakers, guarding, grounding, ELCB (earth leakage circuit breaker) PPE, good work practice means LOTO (lock out Tag out) system



  • What is the pneumatic or hydro test?
  • The hydro test is to inspect or to check the strength of the pipeline according to requirement by filling water & then giving the pressure by PCD (pressure Controlling Device)
  • What are the hazards?
  • High-pressure burst by sudden increase of pressure, loose connection of hose, the gasket can break, and the effect of the hazard can be from injury to death
  • What are safety precautions?
  •  Inspection of all testing equipment before each time to start work, pressure should gradually be increased, the calibrated pressure gauge should be installed online, the hose should be secure with whip latches, pressure controlling device place a minimum of 10 feet away




  • What are the main hazards of excavation?
  • The main hazard is “Cave In” (Sudden movement of separate soil into excavation also falling or sliding of soil by side into excavation called cave-in) it could entrap, bury, injury, or immobilize a person.
  • What are safety measures for excavation?
  • Benching, sloping, shielding, is to safety measure for cave-in, before excavation get NOC from utility areas, overhead & underground areas, the soil must be 2 feet away from the excavation, if excavation is 4 feet deep ladder or rump will provide after every 25 feet distance or interval, daily inspection required before stating work or after rain or windstorm




What action must be taken if you are exposed to a gas leak?

  • Stop the job, shut down the equipment, wear a gas mask, check the wind direction by windsock, and go towards the designated assembly point for head counting
  • Why do we need gas monitoring?
  • To check the oxygen level and H2S level. CO (carbon mono oxide) level & to check LEL (lower explosive limit), in short, we need a gas monitor to make sure that the place is safe for work or not.
  • What does a gas monitor display?
  • It displays LEL, H2S, CO, and O2 Level